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The 1st Visit to Our OBGYN

Yesterday, August 27th DH and I had our 1st OBGYN visit with the man who will be delivering our angel in March 2013!!! My appointment was at 1:30 pm, but I had to be there for 1:00 pm to complete new patient paperwork. The honey dropped me off at the door, and went on to find a parking space. I went on up to the 4th floor of medical office bldg 3 of the Presbyterian Hospital of Plano, and there I was. I began filling out what seemed like a book of paperwork, and the honey finally arrived. Finally, after completing my paperwork, I was called back at approximately 1:50 pm. The nurse took my weight, blood pressure, and temperature. She then had me drink some sort of red liquid drink, I can't remember the name of it, to check for diabetes or any predisposition. The drink wasn't too bad, but was bitter at the end...ugh! After completing that I was able to go get my honey, and we were escorted to the our doctor's office. He finally comes in to introduce himself, got my medical history, asked a few questions, and proceeded to tell me what I already knew - he would be referring me to a perinatologist (High Risk OB) that will monitor me along with him. He went on to explain that the he and the High Risk OB have known and worked with one another for 12 years. Him sharing that he knows this man personally, and has had a 12 year working relationship with him.made me feel a WHOLE lot better about having work alongside my OBGYN to care for me and our baby. He also informed that I'd need to continue seeing my hematologist, so that my blood levels can be checked regularly due to my APS (Anti-phospholipid Antibody Syndrome), a blood clotting disorder. I'm currently taking 100 mg of Lovenox injections daily, but just learned today that I will be going up to 100 mg injections, twice fun?! But, on a brighter note, I'll be done taking my Progesterone shots and the Estradiol pills on Thursday....Yay! I'm so tired of those Progesterone shots, but I remain a trooper for my little one! I'll do anything for him/her.

Additionally, he went on to tell me that I'll see the High Risk OB often to ensure that the baby continues to grow as it should, and there's no problems or complications with my blood. Needless to say, I'm going to be closely and thoroughly monitored, as I suspected before becoming pregnant. After briefly speaking with him, Derek and I were directed to a room to get a sonogram done. I was expecting the sonographer to tell me to take everything off below the waist, as I always had to do at my RE's office; however, she was like "just sit on the table and lie back." I was thinking, "oh, this is different," lol! So, I lie back and we get my pants down a little below my waist, enough for her to get to my lower abdomen. She placed some of that cold jelly like stuff on my stomach and placed the little monitor, for lack of better word, on my stomach and our little bean appeared. It was soo cool, because this time he/she began to move! We also heard the heartbeat, which is always lovely and comforting to hear. It was 182 bpm! Last Wednesday, it was 185 bpm. He/she is really cozy in there. Afterwards, I was taken to an examination room to have a pap exam. I swear, it was the quickest pap I've ever had in all my history of getting paps! I was like, "oh, your done," "that was quick." The honey was in the exam room with me, so after the Dr. leaves he goes, "I didn't like him sticking his hand down there like that." "He almost got dealt with." My husband knows how to bring humor to the most awkward situations. It was so funny!

Finally, we're taken back to the doctor's office again to chat with him. He comes in and brought lots of information, and explained what I could and couldn't have, the different screenings that I could do if we chose to have them done. Needless to say, yes we're having the screenings done, but not the invasive ones such as, CVS and amniocentesis. Ours will be non-invasive as those others can lead to miscarriage....I DON'T THINK SO! He also answered any and all questions that Derek and I had, and was very thorough and informative. I thank God for directing me to this doctor, because he's just what I wanted in a OBGYN - informative, thorough, good bed side manners, and has a sense of humor, and cares about his patients. So, I'm grateful. The staff was also very funny, and warm as well. So, I really appreciate that in a practice. By this time its' 4:00 pm or a little after, and it's finally time to go home. So, our appointment with the OBGYN was a great one! I go back on September 4th after my 2:15 pm appointment with my High Risk Dr.

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