Clinging to Truth vs. What's True

According to, the term cling is defined as: to adhere closely; stick to. What are you...what are we clinging to while still waiting for our babies on this journey to motherhood? What are you clinging to while waiting for a turn around and good report from the doctors and staff that's caring for your preemie during your time in the NICU and beyond? I ask this question because we are told a LOT of things concerning our fertility and preemie's health. We are told that we have no chance of conceiving a child, we have low egg quality, our preemie's chance of survival is 25 percent, you have PCOS, your preemie is really, really sick, you have endometriosis, and the list goes on. I want to gently remind you that these things are true, but they're not your truth. While it's true that your preemie may only have a 25-50 percent chance at survival, or that your ovarian quality isn't that great, God's word about the condition overrides what's manifesting in your natural. His word, His truth, your truth is what He has spoken and said in the scriptures about an infertility diagnosis, or illness. Cling to that truth, and not what doctors and others have spoken over you, about you, against you, or to you.
Our Daddy-God speaks beautiful, life-giving truth to us. His truths don't leave us paralyzed and gripped for fear of the unknown. His words over us and about us bring peace, serenity, confidence, security, most importantly TRUTH about who we are, and what we have possession of through our new lives as new creations in Him after we profess Him as Lord and Savior of our lives. So our Father reminds and tells us of these absolute truths so that we can cling to them-hold tightly and not let go regardless of the natural diagnosis, situation or circumstance. He tells us to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28 NLT). He says, I give the childless woman a family making her a happy mother (Psalms 113:9 NLT). God declares when we serve Him only, He'll bless our food and water making provision for us, and protects us from illness (Exodus 23:25 NLT). The promise doesn't end there. The Father even promises that there shall be no infertility or miscarriage in our land, and we shall have a long, full life (Exodus 23:26 NLT).

Finally, just to make sure that you're really getting this truth into your heart and spirit today, God also lets us know that He WILL bring it to HEALTH and HEALING...(Jeremiah 33:6 NLT). What is your "it" that you need our God to bring to health and healing? What is that diagnosis that makes you cringe and believe that your dream of motherhood is a dream deferred? If it's pcos, hyperthyroidism, low ovarian reserve, male-factor infertility, premature birth, tilted uterus, incompetent cervix, or whatever else, he promises to bring it to health and healing. That's His truth; His word. And, His word we can trust and cling to.