The Goodness of God
What you see here is my negative pregnancy test. Regardless, God is good! He’s good, he’s faithful, he’s full of love, he loves me, he sees me through this, and I’m going to rejoice, not for the negative hpt, but for serving a God who’s in control and has a perfect plan for my life. Despite of what it feels like, despite what it looks like, my natural situation doesn’t determine the goodness of God in my life. Because, He is good! Yes, this negative pregnancy test is sitting here before me. And, if I can be just be real and transparent, I momentarily got sad, disappointed, and frustrated. However, in the mist of all those emotions, I know that my God is good. He knows what He’s doing, and His timing is perfect. My second predestined one will show up in my womb at the predestined time that’s been ordained by my Daddy-God. So, you know what I did after seeing that negative test? I went for a prayer walk and began prophetically speaking over my own life: “God You’re Good, God you’re in control, God your timing is perfect, God you know what you’re doing, God you know what’s best for me and my family right now, God you’re guiding me, God wherever you guide me, I’ll follow, God I’m persevering, God my predestined one is on the way, God you’ve not forgotten me, God you understand what I feel, God this too shall pass, God this too shall work for my good, God nothing is impossible for you, God I trust your plans and purpose for my life!” When I finished my prayer walk I felt renewed, refreshed, and revived in my faith and spirit. The enemy wanted me to focus on that negative test, and another month of waiting, but I flip the script on Him and began worshipping and thanking God for His goodness that’s NOT based on my present situation. So, let me encourage you today and remind you of the goodness of God. Psalms 100:5 tells us, “the Lord is good; his love is eternal and his faithfulness lasts forever.” This tells us that He’s a good father who’s love for us is never-ending, and He’s dependable, trustworthy, and reliable. He’s FOR you, and NEVER against you. If you’ve recently gotten a negative pregnancy test, or some other unpleasant news this week, and it brought you to a low place emotionally, I encourage you to get up from that place where the enemy and his lies thrive, and began worshipping and thanking God for your blessing that’s to come. Begin rejoicing over that which is to come. That’s where God wants you- your body, soul, and spirit postured in worship, thanksgiving, and faith to and in Him. The enemy can’t stand this place, because he can’t affect you like he once did when your hearts posture is thanksgiving, worship, and trust in our good God. So, just pick yourself up and decree and declare God's goodness over your life, and situation.
Leave me a comment below and share how God has been good to you? Let’s highlight our blessings and the goodness of God, not our unpleasant situations!
A Fearless Journey,

The 2018 Making You Aware Event in recoginition of PCOS & NICU Awareness Month, on September 15th. More details and registration forthcoming at
Believing for The Promise Prayer Summit: a night of worship, hope, encouragment, and intercession over your womb and fertility journey on October 20th. Registration opening soon at
My Predestined One In Person Preemie Parent & Fertility Support Groups coming to Dallas, TX soon! Email with subject line : "Connect Me to Preemie/Fertility Support Group: specifying which support group you'd like to get connected to.
Order your copy of my new book, A Fearless Journey to Motherhood availabe in print and ebook.