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Chatting About My Rainbow Baby & Motherhood On The Mahogany Momology's Podcast

Being diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) in my mid-20's left me feeling somewhat optimistic, yet VERY ashamed that I'd gotten diagnosed as infertile. I know I'm not the only woman that has felt this way. You're optimistic thinking, "well, it won't be that hard if I'm using a fertility doctor to help." But, let me tell you. I was in for a very RUDE AWAKENING! Trying to concieve my first child was one of the most difficult, emotionally and physically taxing things I'd ever done. Not only was it hard, but it left me feeling ashamed, angry, frustrated, and all of the other emotions that you can think of that I didn't list. Trying to conceive my son was no easy feat. I was left feeling hopeless, and like God didn't care -- like He was punishing me. I found it very difficult to maintain trust and faith in God, and wanted nothing to do with Him. Fast forward a few months, I would return to Him fully surrendered to His will, purpose, and plan for me to have children.

I would endured two miscarriages six months apart before POAS (peeing on a stick) and FINALLY seeing those two lines. It happened! Derek and I were pregnant with our rainbow baby by way of FET (frozen embryo transfer)! Our journey up to that moment was worth it all. This was just the beginning of my journey as a rainbow mom and more. The life I was carrying inside of me would teach me to pray, trust, and depend on God as I relinquished my fears to walk by faith.

Go hear more of my story about rainbow motherhood and my thoughts regarding why the discussion of infertility and miscarriages among black women is taboo on Mahogany Momology's Podcast. Mahogany Momology is an online dialogue and podcast pertaining to the concerns and carefree parenting of black motherhood created by Melissa Tarpley and Natasha Gordan. Head to their website to hear more thought provoking and inspiring episodes centerend around black motherhood.

A Fearless Journey,

Tiffany Finley



1. My Predestined One-Dallas Preemie Parent Support Group meets monthly every 2nd Thurrsday. However, due to Valentine's Day we're meeting Thursday, February 21st at 7 PM. Email if you'd like to attend.

2. My Predestined One-Atlanta & My Predestined One-Dallas Infertility Support Groups meet monthly every 3rd Thrusday. MPO Atlanta will be meeting Thursday, February 21st at 7 PM. However, MPO Dallas is meeting Thursday, February 28th this month at 7 PM. Email if you'd like to attend either group.

3. My Predestined One also has online private groups. Get supported on your infertility or nicu journey so that you don't have to walk alone, and remain in isolation.

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