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How to Start Working Out Again After Having A Baby & Begin Losing Baby Weight

Disclaimer: I’m not a medical doctor or physical health expert. I’m only

sharing what worked for me. This post does not serve as medical

advice, an is for educational purposes only. Speak with your doctor before beginning any workout routine after giving birth. Be gentle with yourself as you embark on the journey of getting physically active again while postpartum. Make sure that your doctor has given you the green light on getting back physically active, and then take it slow as you ease back into a workout routine. Don’t over do it. Slow and steady wins the race, and it’s HARD trying to get back into a workout routine and get back to your pre-pregnancy weight. FYI-I was 15 months postpartum before I began my fitness journey. So don’t let anyone rush you into “snapping back” or getting back to a pre-pregnancy weight.

It was twenty-two days until 2022, and I was ready to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and get a new workout routine!

After giving birth in September 2020, adjusting to life as a mom of two

and breastfeeding and pumping around the clock, working out was the last thing on my mind or to do list. I’d been slowly trying to get back into exercising consistently since July 2020, and I could never remain consistent with the workout schedule I would plan for myself, mainly because I was always tied to a pump and just too tired to even workout. Let’s not even talk about eating foods that would fuel my body or help me reach my weight loss goals because that wasn’t happening either.

At this point, I was at the heaviest I’d EVER been in weight— 255 lbs. I’d decided that my and Preston’s breastfeeding journey had come to an end, and was no longer tied to the pump all day. I was ready to make my physical health a priority and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight! On December 11, 2021 I started and completed my first workout of the year with 25 jumping jacks from the #25DaysofMamaFit Challenge that was being hosted by Jackie Bobbitt, B.S., CPT of Mama Fit, and a one mile Walk at Home YouTube video by Leslie Sansone. It was still winter and walking outside was not an option yet, but I wasn’t going to give myself any excuse to not get a walk in as well. I knew I needed to get back to it, and that day I just did it. Sometimes we just need to jump right in and get started. Whether it’s losing baby weight or making healthier choices in our diet, we just have to start somewhere.

So, here’s your reminder to eat healthy, drink that water, and get moving today. You don’t have to wait until tomorrow, the weekend, next week, or in my

case a new year before you make

the choice to give yourself good health & wellness. You can decide today to prioritize your health & wellness.

By December 30, 2021 guess who had lost 8.4 pounds since beginning her healthy, fit lifestyle journey again…..?

This woman!

This girl!

Me, TIFFANY….that’s who!!

My consistency paid off! My hard work paid off! My discipline paid off! Putting my self-care and me first, paid off!!

I’m proud of me for choosing and showing up for myself in an area that was being put on the back burner for wayyy too long. There’s only one me, and I have to take care of her. My life and family depends on it. Is it hard? Yes! But, do I want to live my best life now and feel great? Yes!

I have a HUGE support system and accountability partners that have helped me on my healthy, fit, lifestyle journey, and I’m very grateful for them.

Here’s where I started (12/11/21): 255 lbs

Here’s where I currently am: (5/9/22): 229 lbs

Here’s What I Did and Recommend to Start Working Out Again After Having A Baby & Begin Losing Baby Weight:

• Get your mind right by shifting your mindset, because change begins mentally FIRST before anything else.

• Decide how often and what days of the week you want to workout weekly (2x, 3x, 4x weekly).

• Decide what times your’re going to workout on your workout days, and for how long (morning, afternoon, evening for 30 mins).

• Actually workout, even when you don’t feel like it. Feeling like it will not get you to the goal. You have to do it even when you DON’T feel like it. This builds consistency & discipline.

• Don’t cut everything unhealthy out of your diet at once, just eat those not so good things less frequently and in moderation. For me it was sweets. I don’t deprive myself of a sweet treat, I just eat them less frequently and in moderation (once on the weekend).

• Don’t become obsessed with the scale, “snapback culture”, and numbers. Pay attention to how your body feels, how your clothes now fit, and celebrate every win on your healthy, fit, lifestyle journey.

This hasn’t been easy for me, but it’s been so good for me! You and I both owe it to ourselves, children, and family to treat our bodies well, and take care of our health. I’m now down 26 pounds since beginning what I call #tiffanyshealthyfitlifestylejourney and it feels fabulous so far!

Share with me in the comments what health goals do you have for yourself this year?


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