Ways of Getting Through Fertility Struggles When Trying to Conceive
Photography by LRochelle Photography
There’s no one way fits all method of getting through fertility struggles. Everyone has their way of coping and getting through challenges they’re faced with, including infertility. What works for one woman may not and will not work for every woman trying to build her family after an infertility diagnosis.
During my five year wait for my now one-year-old son, there were several things that I found that helped me spiritually, physically, emotionally, and relationally while on my journey to conceive my second baby. I want to share these ways of getting through fertility struggles when trying to conceive with you in hopes that you’ll find them helpful and useful for your trying to conceive journey.
So let’s get into it!
Ways of Getting Through Fertility Struggles When Trying to Conceive:
1. See A Doctor About Your Fertility Concerns - before and after an official infertility diagnosis it’s important to have routine visits with your doctor to stay on top of your reproductive health. It’s even more important after you’ve noticed something may be going on, or things have changed, which is why the next point is so important.
2. Pay Attention to Your Monthly Cycles or Lack Thereof- Know your body, and what your body does or doesn’t do. This helps when you’re seeing your OBGYN or fertility doctor for the first time. You’ll be able to give details of what you’re seeing and noticing during your monthly cycle, and can advocate for your needs. After all, you’re not just a patient that has hired the provider, you’re also an important member of the care team regarding your fertility and reproductive health.
3. Pray & Study the Word of God- Draw closer to God through prayer and reading the word during the low moments of your journey. Draw hope and faith from what God has said in His word. Abide in Him when things are going well, and when things aren't going so well and according to plan. God will be your strength, hope, peace, joy, and so much more if you’ll allow Him.
4. Identify & Find a Support System- having friends, family or an actual infertility support group that you can share with can be a HUGE help. It helps you feel less alone and supported during your journey to conceive.
5. Journal - purchase a journal to put your daily thoughts, feelings, what's happening on your journey. Pour out your heart to God. What you're feeling mentally, emotionally, physically. You want to be able to release all of the things that you're holding onto. keep a journal to write out all your everchanging feelings, emotions, and the highs & lows of your journey. Journaling can be so cathartic for you. It allows you to put on paper what your heart feels, but your mouth can't quite articulate at the moment. Journaling also allows you to keep up with important dates of events that happened that are significant in some way to you. I cannot express enough the importance of journaling your journey.
6. Refrain From Looking for A Quick Fix - there’s no quick fix to achieving pregnancy. There’s so many “how to get pregnant faster” articles out there. What works for one woman may not work for you. That supplement, IVF (invitro fertilization) protocol or medication that brought your friend her BFP (big fat positive) may not be what’s needed for you. Remain focused on your unique journey and what’s going to be best for you.
An infertility diagnosis isn’t your identity. It’s only a part of your story. You will be a mom someday, and hold your baby soon. Keep hoping, trusting, and believing in God‘s promise to make you a happy mother of children (Paalms 113:9).